“Gai is on leave until Friday 6th September. Place your orders by email or phone & they will be actioned on her return”

GRANDER Water Pendant

GRANDER Water Pendant



The pendant helps to balance an individual’s energy.  Has an important function as a supplement to drinking Grander treated waters.


  • Wear the Grander Pendant around your neck.  The Grander Pendant can be removed during sleep.
  • Care for the Grander Pendant like a piece of regular glass jewellery.
  • The Grander Pendant is made from hand blown glass
  • DO NOT wear the Grander Pendant in shower, pool, bathing or while swimming.
  • DO NOT place the Grander Pendant in the WASHING MACHINE, DISHWASHER, FRIDGE, IN a MICROWAVE.
  • DO NOT DROP the Grander Pendant it will break if dropped
  • ALWAYS keep the Grander Pendant dry.